Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge: For All Righteous Gentiles

“The Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge” is the long-awaited, practical guide to attaining spiritual growth and inner peace as a Righteous Gentile. Written in clear and concise terms, it provides the objective moral foundation for anyone seeking a closer personal connection and relationship with our Creator. The authors adapted universal teachings from classic texts (the Hebrew Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Mishneh Torah, and Chassidic insights) for enlightenment of the general public about the direct path to great advancements in personal and collective spiritual standing. Rather than being part of a specific religion, this is the faith-based knowledge that has been meant for all people from the earliest Biblical times. The book presents the fundamental principles and character traits, attitudes, actions, and goals in life that will reveal how a person is truly created in the image of God. It is written to be a highly valuable resource on its own, or as an ideal study companion for the growing number of people worldwide who accept and follow the Seven Noahide Commandments that were given by God for Gentiles of all nationalities and cultures.

This work was inspired by the book Sefer HaMadah (The Book of Knowledge), which is the first volume of Mishneh Torah, by the great Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides, or Rambam). As the first part of his monumental codification of the Oral Torah, it explains the Torah’s path to true and proper faith-based knowledge. What the world has been lacking until now is a parallel book written specifically for the fundamentals of faith that apply for Gentiles (Non-Jews), because much of the content of Rambam’s work applies only for Jews. The essential points of our present book, and much of its text, have been taken from the universal parts of the holy words in Sefer Ha’Madah, Beyond that, we have added a great amount of background information and explanations to produce a book that is intended specifically for those who are, or who want to become, righteous and pious Gentiles – Noahides, in modern terms – in G-d’s eyes.

In this book, we have included many of the proper and righteous outlooks, character traits, and goals for life that will provide much-needed guidance for Gentiles who are searching spiritually for an authentic personal connection with the One True G-d. In summary, this book presents the proper views and behaviors for Righteous Gentiles of any nationality or culture, and it will serve as a milestone for the modern Noahide movement.

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